Take a proactive role in your healing journey with holistic, anticancer nourishment for your body, mind, and spirit.

Ground & Root Cancer Nutrition is an online dietetics practice specialising in integrative & functional nutrition to enhance your cancer recovery and help you stay cancer-free.

We help you heal your body, mind, & spirit so you can move beyond your cancer journey & live the life you truly desire.

Grounded in Nourishment /
 Rooted in Holistic Healing

It’s our own cells that are adapting to a stressed environment. When we change this environment we can help our bodies heal and prevent cancer from growing.

We are here to help you do this through each stage of your cancer journey...from diagnosis through treatment & recovery to long-term recurrence prevention.

We use a comprehensive & holistic strategy using things in your control like diet, lifestyle, natural therapies, & emotional/spiritual/energetic wellness. As well as helping you dive deeper into your unique root causes & risk factors. Above all else, we make sure you feel fully supported on your journey. We are here to unapologetically believe in you and all of the opportunities ahead of you.

If you’re looking for a truly comprehensive & holistic step-by-step plan to enhance treatment, support your healing, help you figure out why cancer grew in the first place, and help you stay cancer-free, then we are here for YOU.

Cancer is a complicated disease but it’s not a mystery

I've been working as a Dietitian since 2009 and working exclusively with cancer survivors since 2018, after my father was diagnosed with cancer recurrence. I know what is and isn’t being discussed in the conventional health setting. I also know about the incredible power of integrative and functional medicine to both enhance cancer recovery and help you stay cancer-free. I’ve made it my mission to ensure you have all the information you need to support your treatment and reduce the risk of future recurrence.

Nearly 1 in 2 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Cancer rates are on the rise in younger people and it is still the 2nd leading cause of death worldwide! My goal is to change these statistics by helping you understand the root causes of cancer and how you can take back control over your own health.

Founder of Ground & Root | Registered Integrative & Functional Dietitian

I’m Dionne Detraz

Even though millions of people are diagnosed with cancer each year, treatment and survivorship can feel incredibly isolating.

What if instead you had a community you could lean on? A container that provided vetted resources, a step-by-step roadmap, professional guidance, and priceless peer support to help smooth your cancer journey? 

You could have more energy & less uncomfortable symptoms as you navigate treatment. You could have less stress & more peace knowing you’re doing the right things to promote your body’s healing and recovery. Perhaps you could even find deeper joy, happiness, & health on the other side of this journey.

You can find all of this and more inside
The Healing Collective: our group coaching membership 

We offer five membership options to best accommodate you at your current stage in the journey.

There are no problems, only solutions and we have a solution for you ....


Getting Started Resources

Private Facebook Community

Weekly Tribe Letter

I'm Ready

More Info

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More Info

For getting started



everything in Self Directed and...

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Guest Expert Calls 

Guided Seasonal Detox & Fasting (4 per year)

I'm Ready

Best value for group coaching

$47/ month

Self Directed

everything in The Tribe and...

Healing Helix Roadmap

The Cancer Diet Cookbook

Meal Planning Guide

I'm Ready

Perfect for the DIYer

$37/ month


everything in Standard and...

Full Access to our Library of Resources

Monthly Qigong

Welcome 1:1 Session

Functional Labs at Wholesale Pricing

Supplement Discounts

A La Carte 1:1 Coaching

I'm Ready

Ideal for customized support

$97/ month


everything in Advanced and...

Deep Dive Case Review + Step-by-Step Protocol

DNA Test + Results Call

Monthly 1:1 Coaching Call + Protocol Update

Energy & Spiritual Wellness

Unlimited Messaging + Weekly Q&A Calls

*3-month minimum + 1st month includes additional fees 

Let's Chat

For the most personalized guidance

$597/ month *

All Tiers Subject to a 14 Day Money Back Guarantee

– Kesley 

"I cannot thank Dionne enough for taking away some of the scary part of my diagnosis. Working with her and talking with her was a highlight every month. She helped me understand how food worked to help heal my body, help my body, and nourish my body during treatment. She helped me understand how nutrition could help play a pivotal role in my cancer treatment. Thank you, Dionne for making something so scary just a little bit more manageable." 

“Working and talking with her was a highlight every month.”

– Jenny

“Thank you for not only teaching me mindful eating, but mindful healing as well. That it's more than just medicine we need to heal. Supporting the process to allow me to learn to live day by day, appreciate what I have, and control what I can. I set out just thinking I was getting a Dietitian, but have gotten so much more! You're not just a Dietitian, you're a holistic healer, giving me the tools that I need to heal all of me and resilience to battle cancer for as long as it takes. So grateful for the universe allowing our paths to cross and I look forward to continuing diving deeper into the process.” 

"A holistic healer, giving me the tools that I need to heal all of me."

– Barbara

“Dionne has given me guidance tailored exactly to me and my cancer. I am absolutely confident that her support has helped me physically—not to mention mentally. For example, there were times in chemo where I’d finish treatment on a Tuesday and be going to the gym or yoga on Monday. Beyond that, Dionne took a huge weight off my shoulders by alleviating the energy I had to spend on figuring out what to eat. She took over and made it so much simpler by providing structure with the right room for flexibility. Cancer is very hard. But, thanks to Dionne, I feel calmer and more in control. My family feels calmer." Dionne has shown me I can actually change things inside my body by changing the way I eat."

“I feel calmer and more in control.”  

– Allison

“Dionne has helped me cut through the overwhelming noise around cancer and nutrition so I could get to a better place, quicker. I’ve been able to just concentrate on my healing while receiving this incredibly personalized, holistic guidance that also empowers me to enjoy food. I’m hardly having any of the side effects I read about on the message boards, which were terrifying to me. My oncologist tells me I’m doing everything right when it comes to my lifestyle and nutrition which amplifies the benefits of my medication while minimizing the negative side effects. It’s not debilitating, I'm back at work, and I actually feel like myself. I owe so much of that to the monumental support Dionne gives me.”

“Helped me cut through the overwhelming noise.”

– Lauren

“Working with Dionne has taken a huge weight off of my shoulders and my quest for answers. When working with some health professionals, they often have a trajectory for the entire experience that they don’t pivot from. But after my second surgery (which was a big one), I wasn’t recovering easily. I had mega brain fog and couldn’t digest things. Dionne recognized right away that we needed to shift our approach. She came up with additional recommendations on the spot that showed me the breadth and depth of her understanding of the human body and the reactions that come with these conditions. It was incredible and so, so gracious.”  

“Has taken a huge weight off of my shoulders.”

– Ingrid

"Dionne is an incredible guide and I’m so grateful to have her as a partner on my journey. She has a wealth of knowledge and can find exactly what steps, supplements, and foods will work for me. She also has an immensely empathetic, caring approach to her practice that goes way beyond what I had been getting from other dietitians. There’s so much junk out there and self-serving people trying to make money off desperate sick people. So having someone like Dionne who you can trust and who won’t try to talk you into something that doesn’t work that is priceless." 

“An immensely empathetic, caring approach.”

– Emily

"Dionne will work with you without judgment but will gently guide you in the right direction. She worked with me as an individual and didn’t judge me when I happened to not be following my protocol. When something was working or the results didn’t turn out as hoped, she helped me to problem solve what else I needed to do and other ways I can still achieve the desired results. Dionne’s personalized protocols have really helped me to focus on what I should do to help myself and prevent the cancer from returning but also to be healthier." 

“Without judgment will gently guide you in the right direction..”

– Julie

"For the first time I could see that not only could the side effects be addressed but also I could work toward my cancer recovery simultaneously. Dionne is an upper. Our sessions together are encouraging and very upbeat. And I need that kind of support. Not only that, she tracks my health like a hawk. Her responses to my questions are immediate. The helpful guidelines Dionne sends to us frequently are knowledge building, which makes you a part of the healing." 

“Encouraging and very upbeat.”

– Jenelle

"Dionne has helped me learn ways to not only survive cancer but thrive while I strive for longevity. Dionne’s patient, yet direct approach taught me how to make better choices and keep track of what I was putting in my body. She broke things down into manageable steps and provided access to tools that help me keep track of what I’m eating and how I am feeling so I can make informed decisions. You won’t regret the investment in yourself. She is an invaluable part of my team!" 

“Helped me learn ways to not only survive cancer but thrive..”

– Carol

"The comprehensive approach provided by Dionne was just what I was looking for with a personalized plan inclusive of nutrition and environmental guidance and over all steps to well being. She is also absolutely delightful which made it easier to hear the things that I may not have been receptive to. I also learned how to be less fearful of food and that the occasional slip from my healthy diet was not a catastrophe. I learned more about fasting in a way that is different from the trendy buzz about it. And one last thing that I most appreciated is that with Dionne her guidance is never "because I said so" but is backed up by in depth links to comprehensive research. I know I will miss my sessions with Dionne but in the best possible way I know I'll always carry her with me." 

“Just what I was looking for with a personalized plan..”

what they're saying








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