The Cancer

A very important, and often overlooked, “cause” of cancer is the emotional wounds we may be carrying with us.

All dis-ease begins in the energetic field and when it’s not moved through it eventually takes hold in the physical field. It is believed that a chronic negative thought or feeling can kill us faster than a bad germ. This is why it is so important for us to take the time to really think about our energetic health and emotional wellness.

E-motion is really just energy in motion. If it stays in motion, we feel it fully, then release it, and it doesn’t create a problem. When the emotion is too painful or big or hard to process, the danger can be that we don’t want to feel it, stuff it away to deal with at another time, and then it gets stuck in our energetic field.

This stuck energy or blocked emotion creates areas of dis-ease, which will eventually take root in the physical body. This could be felt as aches or pains that don’t go away, tummy troubles or chronic digestive issues, a weakened immune system, or even cancer.

Taking a truly holistic approach to cancer recovery & prevention requires us to look at all the possible root causes, including our emotions & stress levels. This area of our health and wellness is just as important as our physical body and the treatments & support we bring in to help us heal. Let’s dive deeper into how our emotions can increase the risk for cancer.

Unraveling the Emotional Ties to Cancer and Healing

A new season is upon us with new energy, new temperatures, and new practices that can help us stay aligned with the Earth. Earth-based & seasonal living are at the heart of what we teach at Ground & Root Cancer Nutrition. It is one of the pillars of optimal health that will help you stay healthy and free of disease.

Anticancer Nutrition & Lifestyle Tips for Winter

Did you know that cancer rates in people under 50 have increased nearly 80% over the last 3 decades?! This is according to several recent studies. (1, 2, 3) Personally I’ve seen this in my own practice, where over half of my current clients and the members of our group coaching program are under 50 and about a third were under 40 when they first reached out to me. My youngest client this year diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer was 28 years old! 

The 3 Primary Reasons Younger People Are Getting Cancer

A new season is upon us with new energy, new temperatures, and new practices that can help us stay aligned with the Earth. Earth-based & seasonal living are at the heart of what I teach at Ground & Root Cancer Nutrition. It is one of the pillars of optimal health that will help you stay healthy and free of disease.

Anticancer Nutrition & Lifestyle Tips for Autumn

It’s officially summer vacation here in France! We are getting ready to fly from France to California for a month and planning a 2-week road trip through Northern California and Oregon. The summer season often means vacation and traveling. Do you have any fun trips coming up? Of course we are super excited to explore new places, visit with family & friends, and get a little R&R. But traveling can also be stressful and challenging to your health and wellbeing.

Travel Tips From an Integrative Functional Nutritionist