Through the month of June we celebrate and bring attention to Cancer Survivors. A “Cancer Survivor” is anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer and is still alive. You may be moving through treatment, you may be living with cancer, or maybe you’re in remission. There are more than 32 million cancer survivors worldwide and […]
He arrived at Stanford only 2 weeks prior with the utmost hope for cure and so quickly the reality turned to preparing for his death. We all knew the risk. He was prepared to face his death and knew this clinical trial was likely his last hope. We all recognized how much he had already gone through and didn’t want him to suffer any longer than he had to. No matter how prepared you think you are for this moment, the reality is very different.
Whether you’re facing cancer, another chronic illness, or even just trying to stay as healthy as possible don’t overlook the importance of your emotional well-being. Your mental and emotional state directly impacts your cells, your immune system, your digestion, your hormonal system, your nervous system…you get the idea, right? When you’re doing everything you can […]