Throughout my blog I’ve spoken at length as to why I’m concerned about the rising tide of chronic inflammation and how our modern-day lifestyle is perpetuating this condition. Unfortunately it is not just adults who fall victim to this issue. During my years working for UCSF I have seen firsthand how inflammation can create havoc […]
As a parent, grandparent, or caregiver one of your primary jobs is to do what you can to keep your kids healthy. What does this actually mean though and what is within your control? As an Integrative Dietitian I believe wholeheartedly that it starts with what they are eating. And this begins right from the […]
As the summer harvest starts to transition into Autumn a whole new set of fruits and veggies become available to us. Don’t get me wrong. I’m still enjoying all the late-summer produce available, like heirloom tomatoes, zucchini, and blackberries, but I’m also now starting to look forward to the bounty of Autumn; apples, pears, and […]
When I say “healthy mindset” or “healthy weight loss” or “healthy weight management”, what does that mean to you? What images come to mind? What tasks or activities does it entail? When you consider the fact that most people in the western world are overweight or are actively trying to lose weight, these notions become […]
We have arrived to the 3rd and final step of my Inflammation Controlling Plan. Once you’re filling your plate and body with (1) anti-inflammatory foods and you’ve (2) identified and removed any offending foods, then we can start adding in some targeted boosters. Beyond typical over-the-counter anti-inflammatories available to you (think advil, ibuprofen, benadryl, hydrocortisone, etc) there […]