I was a child of the 80’s. Both of my parents worked outside of the home while my sister and I were bouncing around from school to swim practice to homework. We grew up with all the packaged, processed, and convenience foods that were so popular during this decade and frankly made life easier for […]
This topic is very close to my heart. As a Cancer Dietitian I know how important the quality of your diet is when you’re actively healing from cancer. And yet I hear all the time how people are being told by their well-meaning oncology team that… “Diet doesn’t matter” “Eat whatever you want” “Now is […]
One of the strategies we brought in right from the beginning during my Dad’s cancer journey was supplement support. Thankfully his oncologist had been on board with that plan and allowed him to add supplements to his treatment regimen right from the start. Unfortunately though this is not the case with all oncologists. In fact […]