Breathe a sigh of relief as you step into the guidance & support that will help nourish and heal your body, mind, & spirit

If there was ever a time to care about your food & lifestyle, now is it.

The Healing Collective

Use the "Healing Helix Roadmap", our framework of energy, nourishment, remedies, and diving deep into root causes to support your healing & long-term health

Simplify cancer recovery meal planning so it’s effective and delicious

Assess your unique risk factors so you can create a personalized recurrence prevention plan

Adapt your plan to the current stage of your cancer journey (During Treatment, Post-Treatment, or Recurrence Prevention)

Connect with others on a healing journey so you can share experiences, support, and uplift one another!

You will learn how to:

The Healing Collective empowers you with essential knowledge on cancer nutrition and lifestyle.

To help you build a plan & daily rhythm that will work for you & be sustainable for your whole family

To turn your cancer journey into an opportunity for you to step into the life you've always desired & to create deeper joy & happiness for both you and your family



To give you the exact step-by-step holistic roadmap to enhance your recovery & optimize prevention rather than feel confused & overwhelmed by all the conflicting information you find online


To provide a community of like-minded souls so you don't have to navigate this journey alone


How to take an active role in cancer prevention versus the traditional watch & wait approach


How to dive deeper into "why" cancer grew & what to do about it


How to detox, heal, & repair after treatment


How to help treatment work better with less toxicity


How to minimize symptoms & side effects from treatment


How to eat to support cancer treatment



We have 5 options for membership in order to best meet you where you are at this point in your journey. Here are the details for each:


Access to our "Getting Started" resources:

  • 4 Levels To Deep Healing Masterclass- you'll learn how to use our holistic & comprehensive framework, "The Healing Helix", to boost your cancer recovery & optimize your long-term health.

  • Four Foods to Avoid During Cancer Recovery Guide- you'll learn which foods could sabotage your healing and some healthier swaps to make instead.

  • Guide to Managing Cancer Treatment Symptoms- you'll discover strategies & natural remedies for managing the most common symptoms you might experience during and after cancer treatment.

  • Uncover 3 Myths About Your Diet During Treatment Video Series- you'll learn which eating myths to avoid during treatment and what to do instead to enhance your recovery.

Access to our private Facebook community for deeper learning, to receive support, ask questions, and connect with others who are dedicated to optimizing their health & healing using a holistic approach. 

Weekly letters with coaching, updates, special offers, & more delivered straight to your Inbox from Dionne and the Ground & Root team.

This membership option is great for the person who...


What's Included:

Is looking to expand their strategies beyond traditional healing methods and explore a holistic approach that encompasses body, mind, and spirit. And if you aren't ready to invest in a higher level of membership yet, then this is an excellent starting point. You'll gain access to some of our most sought-after resources and the support of our community.

Everything inside "The Tribe" including access to our amazing & supportive community

The Healing Helix Roadmap, this self-paced course will guide you through each of the 4 layers of The Healing Helix with recorded lessons, action items, & supportive resources. You'll build a personalized plan using the prompts and handouts available. This roadmap also includes access to our popular nutrition course, "Nutrition Solutions for Cancer Recovery".

A Free Copy of "The Cancer Diet Cookbook", with 100 delicious recipes to help you put what you're learning into practice while nourishing your recovery & long-term health.

Meal Planning Guide, to help you put the recipes inside The Cancer Diet Cookbook into 3 weeks of meal ideas.

This membership option is great for the person who...

SELF-DIRECTED -- $37/month

What's Included:

Appreciates the support of the community & wants to dive deeper into the principles of The Healing Helix. You wish to learn how to use the elements of Energy, Nourishment, Remedies, & exploring Root Causes to help you design a personalized plan. This membership level is perfectly suited for individuals seeking a step-by-step roadmap and feel confident about taking action independently.

Everything inside "Self-Directed", including access to our amazing & supportive community & The Healing Helix Roadmap.

Weekly Group Coaching Support, every week you will have access to a live group call to help you take supported action in each area of The Healing Helix. We have a team of expert coaches ready to support you and your fellow members.

Guest Expert Calls, we host quarterly guest expert calls to provide insight into other alternative & complementary therapies that will enhance your healing & long-term health. We already have over 15 recorded guest calls that you will get immediate access to.

Seasonal Group Detoxes & Fasts, four times a year (once a season) we move through a group fast/detox together. This is one of our favorite tools for long-term cancer prevention and you'll receive a detailed plan to follow plus daily support inside our community.

This membership option is great for the person who...

STANDARD -- $47/month

What's Included:

Wants the added support to help implement what you're learning and overcome any obstacles that you encounter. You value the real-time coaching & guidance you can receive on a live call and wish to have access to a team of experts to help you take action on your plan. This is our most popular membership and the best value for group coaching.

Everything inside "Standard" including access to our amazing & supportive community, the Healing Helix Roadmap, & weekly group coaching support.

Full Access to our Library of Resources:
  • The Cancer Prevention Workshop & Guide- you'll go beyond the standard cancer prevention guidelines and learn the lesser known causes of cancer, how to avoid them, and the exact steps to take to help you stay cancer-free
  • The Rustic Remedy Weight Loss Workbook- you’ll learn the simple steps to achieve a life-long healthy weight, without following yet another diet.
  • The Seasonal Wellness Bundle- you'll receive access to all 4 of our seasonal wellness workshops, providing essential information on how to stay healthy with each season using your food, lifestyle, & self-care habits to match the changing rhythms of nature.
  • Healing Kitchen Cooking Classes & Meal Inspiration- you'll receive access to a series of cooking classes, meal ideas, & recipes helping you turn your kitchen into a healing apothecary.

Monthly Qigong, join our monthly class live, or watch the recording, to help you add a daily movement practice that will enhance your energetic flow & support healing.

Functional Labs at Wholesale Pricing, at this level you will have access to our favorite functional labs (at wholesale pricing) in order for you to dive deeper into your unique genetics and physiological systems. This is an important piece in crafting your long-term prevention plan.

Supplement Discounts, you will also receive access to our online dispensary of high quality, professional grade supplements at 15% off standard pricing (this benefit is for US members only)

Welcome Session + A-La-Carte 1:1 Coaching, most importantly you will receive access to our coaches for 1:1 sessions, including a complimentary welcome session to get to know you, your health journey & goals, and to help you get the most from your membership. You will also have the option to schedule 1:1 calls as needed, including Lab Results Calls, Virtual Energy Healing Sessions, or Standard Coaching Calls. These calls are an additional fee and are the only way to access 1:1 support, outside of our Premium Membership.

This membership option is great for the person who...

ADVANCED -- $97/month

What's Included:

Wants the step-by-step roadmap plus weekly group coaching support as well as 1:1 access to help you customize your plan. This membership option will provide a-la-carte private coaching to help you dive deeper into your root causes with functional labs, add customized supplements to your plan, & provide the extra accountability and individualized support you are looking for.

Everything inside "Advanced", including access to our amazing & supportive community, the Healing Helix Roadmap, the weekly group coaching support, + all the other upgrades.

Deep Dive Case Review & Protocol, you'll receive an initial deep-dive case review with Dionne followed by a detailed written protocol outlining a step-by-step plan specific to your treatment plan & long-term goals.

DNA Test & Lab Results Call, a DNA test is included so we can use your unique genetics to help us customize a plan that will enhance your systems of cancer prevention.

Monthly 1:1 Coaching Calls, you'll receive a 1:1 coaching call every month with our Dietitians to check on your progress, make any adjustments or advancements to your plan as needed, & provide written protocol updates.

Energy Healing & Spiritual Wellness Support, virtual energy healing sessions with Coach Vicki are included in your membership, plus meditations & journaling prompts to help you optimize your emotional & spiritual wellness. This bonus also includes free access to any upcoming online retreats as well as the recordings of previous retreats.

Weekly Support & Unlimited Messaging, weekly Q&A calls available to address any urgent questions or challenges that are coming up. You will also receive unlimited messaging and email support with our Dietitians inside of our private portal + communication with other health care providers as needed to help coordinate care.
* This option requires a three-month commitment, but you can continue as long as you wish afterwards. The first month is at a higher investment, $1850, in order to account for the upfront services you'll receive during Month 1 (like the Deep Dive Case Review, Initial Protocol, & DNA test). We ask that everyone who is interested in this level, book a strategy call with us so we can chat through your goals and make sure this is the best fit for you.

This membership option is great for the person who...

PREMIUM -- $597/month* 

What's Included:

Desires the highest level of guidance and personalized support.  You want access to everything inside the group plus work one-on-one with our Dietitians. We will help you focus on the most important aspects of your nutrition, lifestyle, & therapies whether you are currently moving through treatment, working on post-treatment recovery & repair, or preventing recurrence. 

- Dany

“There is nothing fun about getting the news that you have breast cancer. If you do, you want Dionne on your team. She is an ANGEL. I immediately reached out to her to help me, as she was referred to me by a friend during her breast cancer journey. Chemotherapy and Radiation are scary words to hear. Dionne holds your hand through the whole process like family or a best friend. Her recommendations with food, supplements and lifestyle helped me through treatments like a champ. My doctors were blown away at how well I did during treatment. I will continue to keep her on my team as I navigate back into my world. Do yourself a favor and work with Dionne...your body, mind and spirit will thank you.”

“Do yourself a favor and work with Dionne..."

“There is nothing fun about getting the news that you have breast cancer. If you do, you want Dionne on your team. She is an ANGEL. I immediately reached out to her to help me, as she was referred to me by a friend during her breast cancer journey. Chemotherapy and Radiation are scary words to hear. Dionne holds your hand through the whole process like family or a best friend. Her recommendations with food, supplements and lifestyle helped me through treatments like a champ. My doctors were blown away at how well I did during treatment. I will continue to keep her on my team as I navigate back into my world. Do yourself a favor and work with Dionne...your body, mind and spirit will thank you..”

“Do yourself a favor and work with Dionne..."

- Karmen

“When you hear the words “you have cancer” the floor truly melts away and you fall feet first down a well of endless questions, needs, and fear. Dionne, your expertise and support is a parachute and an all-weather protective jumpsuit that makes that cancer fall endurable. Your advice and presence slows the process down and allows your clients the space and time to literally get a grip on what is happening. The tools and knowledge you impart allows them to begin moving forward and through the fear instead of continuing to fall down into it. You know things that most of us don’t and the generosity and positivity with which you offer that information is truly peace-making and deeply empowering.”

“truly peace-making and deeply empowering.” 

“When you hear the words “you have cancer” the floor truly melts away and you fall feet first down a well of endless questions, needs, and fear. Dionne, your expertise and support is a parachute and an all-weather protective jumpsuit that makes that cancer fall endurable. Your advice and presence slows the process down and allows your clients the space and time to literally get a grip on what is happening. The tools and knowledge you impart allows them to begin moving forward and through the fear instead of continuing to fall down into it. You know things that most of us don’t and the generosity and positivity with which you offer that information is truly peace-making and deeply empowering.”

“truly peace-making and deeply empowering.” 


“I first started working with Dionne when I had lost a large amount of weight through cancer-related complications.I did not know how to implement the recommendations that the dietitian at the hospital made. He suggested many small meals, but I did not know what to put in a small meal or how frequently I should eat. I found Dionne and she translated what I needed into very practical specific suggestions.. Also ,I was sticking to a special diet related to some other health concerns. Dionne was able to layer my current diet on top of suggestions for gaining weight, so I was able to keep the core part of my diet while also gaining weight.”

“translated what I needed into very practical specific suggestions.”

“I first started working with Dionne when I had lost a large amount of weight through cancer-related complications.I did not know how to implement the recommendations that the dietitian at the hospital made. He suggested many small meals, but I did not know what to put in a small meal or how frequently I should eat. I found Dionne and she translated what I needed into very practical specific suggestions.. Also ,I was sticking to a special diet related to some other health concerns. Dionne was able to layer my current diet on top of suggestions for gaining weight, so I was able to keep the core part of my diet while also gaining weight.”

“translated what I needed into very practical specific suggestions.”


“I found Dionne’s website when I was searching for meal planning for my husband. He was recently diagnosed with cancer, and I was very confused with how to go about selecting foods with the myriad of eating plans out there. (ketogenic, macrobiotic, paleo, Zone, anti-cancer, whole foods, raw food, etc.) It was becoming overwhelming, and my husband was losing weight, not quite knowing what or what not to eat. Dionne’s meal planning is simple, straight forward, and takes the guesswork out of what to eat. Her meal plans combine the best of those out there, are balanced, and take into account anti-inflammatory principles so important for cancer. Plus it’s working! My husband's weight has stabilized, and he looks forward to eating with the varied selections available.” 

“simple, straight forward, and takes the guesswork out of what to eat.”

“I found Dionne’s website when I was searching for meal planning for my husband. He was recently diagnosed with cancer, and I was very confused with how to go about selecting foods with the myriad of eating plans out there. (ketogenic, macrobiotic, paleo, Zone, anti-cancer, whole foods, raw food, etc.) It was becoming overwhelming, and my husband was losing weight, not quite knowing what or what not to eat. Dionne’s meal planning is simple, straight forward, and takes the guesswork out of what to eat. Her meal plans combine the best of those out there, are balanced, and take into account anti-inflammatory principles so important for cancer. Plus it’s working! My husband's weight has stabilized, and he looks forward to eating with the varied selections available.” 

“simple, straight forward, and takes the guesswork out of what to eat.”


“When I received my cancer diagnosis I was scared. Then came all the scary tests and medical terms. And, then came all the “advice”. What causes cancers, what you should or should not eat to prevent it. I became scared to eat. I thought anything and everything would make the cancer worse. I cannot thank Dionne enough for taking away some of the scary part of my diagnosis. Working with her and talking with her was a highlight every month. She helped me understand how food worked to help heal my body, help my body, and nourish my body during treatment. She helped me understand how nutrition could help play a pivotal role in my cancer treatment. Thank you, Dionne for making something so scary just a little bit more manageable.”  

“making something so scary just a little bit more manageable.”

“When I received my cancer diagnosis I was scared. Then came all the scary tests and medical terms. And, then came all the “advice”. What causes cancers, what you should or should not eat to prevent it. I became scared to eat. I thought anything and everything would make the cancer worse. I cannot thank Dionne enough for taking away some of the scary part of my diagnosis. Working with her and talking with her was a highlight every month. She helped me understand how food worked to help heal my body, help my body, and nourish my body during treatment. She helped me understand how nutrition could help play a pivotal role in my cancer treatment. Thank you, Dionne for making something so scary just a little bit more manageable.”  

“making something so scary just a little bit more manageable.”


“I am deeply grateful to have found Dionne early on in my healing journey. Not only has she guided me in what to eat but through her program and our coaching calls she has taught me so much about the root causes of cancer. Each time we talk she gives me practical next steps towards healing and the encouragement I need to keep going. ”  

“she has taught me so much about the root causes of cancer..”

“I am deeply grateful to have found Dionne early on in my healing journey. Not only has she guided me in what to eat but through her program and our coaching calls she has taught me so much about the root causes of cancer. Each time we talk she gives me practical next steps towards healing and the encouragement I need to keep going.”  

“she has taught me so much about the root causes of cancer.”


“When we initially connected I was looking for support with my diet and nutrition to help my body heal from a grueling chemotherapy. Little did I know how much I had to learn and grow! The Nutrition Solutions for Cancer Recovery and later the HCC have both been integral pieces of my healing journey. I love that your programs are designed to be manageable and attainable. Your guidance along the way has helped me focus on strategies that are specific to my current stages of healing. I've really enjoyed putting into practice the new strategies you've shared with us through the HCC. Thank you for being part of my lifelong lifestyle shift. ”  

“Little did I know how much I had to learn and grow!”

“When we initially connected I was looking for support with my diet and nutrition to help my body heal from a grueling chemotherapy. Little did I know how much I had to learn and grow! The Nutrition Solutions for Cancer Recovery and later the HCC have both been integral pieces of my healing journey. I love that your programs are designed to be manageable and attainable. Your guidance along the way has helped me focus on strategies that are specific to my current stages of healing. I've really enjoyed putting into practice the new strategies you've shared with us through the HCC. Thank you for being part of my lifelong lifestyle shift.”  

“Little did I know how much I had to learn and grow!”


“I’ve taken big steps to eat healthier and learned why eating a “balanced plate” is a recipe for success. Also, “eating the rainbow” was a phrase I hadn’t heard before but now it’s a concept I’m more cognizant of each day. Dionne’s video lessons are thorough and are always accompanied by related blog articles, handouts, and third-party resources so that group members can research the topics in more detail if they want. In particular, she opened my eyes to the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen produce list, which I continue to use every day. In addition, her detoxification lesson helped me realize all the things I could change in my environment pretty quickly to reduce my exposure to toxic chemicals. Products like cookware, cleaning products, personal care products, etc. ”  

“helped me realize all the things I could change in my environment pretty quickly to reduce my exposure to toxic chemicals.”

“I’ve taken big steps to eat healthier and learned why eating a “balanced plate” is a recipe for success. Also, “eating the rainbow” was a phrase I hadn’t heard before but now it’s a concept I’m more cognizant of each day. Dionne’s video lessons are thorough and are always accompanied by related blog articles, handouts, and third-party resources so that group members can research the topics in more detail if they want. In particular, she opened my eyes to the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen produce list, which I continue to use every day. In addition, her detoxification lesson helped me realize all the things I could change in my environment pretty quickly to reduce my exposure to toxic chemicals. Products like cookware, cleaning products, personal care products, etc. ”  

“helped me realize all the things I could change in my environment pretty quickly to reduce my exposure to toxic chemicals.”


“The info I’m gaining in the course & group coaching is exactly what I wanted and needed! I’ve finished watching the videos in the nutrition solutions course and realized there is a lot I did not know. And when you don’t know what you don’t know (or you think you know, but you don’t!), you can’t even look it up or seek information. I listened to the lesson on fasting 3 times, because I find it so intriguing. I tried a semi fast around my chemo last week, and it already helped; my side effects were less intense & didn't last as long. I'm excited to try a longer fast with my next round of chemo. I’m really happy.”  

“The info I’m gaining in the course & group coaching is exactly what I wanted and needed!”

“The info I’m gaining in the course & group coaching is exactly what I wanted and needed! I’ve finished watching the videos in the nutrition solutions course and realized there is a lot I did not know. And when you don’t know what you don’t know (or you think you know, but you don’t!), you can’t even look it up or seek information. I listened to the lesson on fasting 3 times, because I find it so intriguing. I tried a semi fast around my chemo last week, and it already helped; my side effects were less intense & didn't last as long. I'm excited to try a longer fast with my next round of chemo. I’m really happy.”  

“ The info I’m gaining in the course & group coaching is exactly what I wanted and needed!”

Great question. We typically recommend the "Self-Directed Membership" if you're looking for guidance but feel comfortable being more self-directed and moving through things at your own pace. With the "Standard Membership", you will have the opportunity to get personalized answers on our group coaching calls or via the private community, but you won't have access to 1:1 support unless you choose to join us in the "Advanced Membership". You can start at any membership level you desire, and upgrade or downgrade as needed. If at any time you feel like you need more personalized support, you can upgrade into the "Premium Membership".

The "Premium Membership" is best for those who need or desire a lot of 1:1 support and a fully customized roadmap. Anyone who is having a lot of side effects or complications from treatment, or perhaps your treatment plan is no longer working and you want to explore other ways to help enhance your treatment, or if you want to dive deeper into your root causes and explore functional labs & additional testing. All of these would be good reasons to start inside the "Premium Membership".

If you're unsure, don't fret! We book no-obligation strategy sessions with anyone who is interested in our "Premium Membership" to make sure this is the best fit for you. You can schedule that call HERE.

+  Which membership is best for me ?

All of our group coaching calls & guest expert calls will be recorded so you can refer to them at any time! The only calls that are not recorded are the Member Support Sessions, in order to preserve the privacy and intimacy of the group. You also have the option to write questions in ahead of the calls so they'll be answered on the call. Or you can also post questions directly inside our private facebook group to get feedback from your coaches or the other group participants.

+ what happens if i can’t make some sessions?

Dionne Detraz has been a Registered Dietitian and Integrative Cancer Nutritionist since 2009. She has worked in conventional oncology departments, infusion clinics, integrative medicine clinics, and, since 2016, in private practice. She has helped hundreds of cancer survivors use nutrition, lifestyle, & integrative strategies to optimize their treatment, improve their recovery, and drastically reduce their risk for recurrence. She is also the daughter of a cancer patient, which has made this work very near and dear to her heart.

+ what are your qualifications?

Cancer is a very complicated disease and, the fact is, we simply can't predict what will happen. Knowing this, our philosophy is to do everything in our power to optimize your treatment and reduce the chances of your cancer accelerating or recurring. Our approach involves using researched-based strategies and an extremely personalized approach in our Premium Membership Level to make sure your treatment can do its job. We also work with you to minimize the negative effects of treatment so you can maintain your energy, strength, & blood counts—which is key to recovery & finishing treatment.

+ How do I know if this will help me?

We work with all types of cancers and at all stages.

+ What types of cancer do you work with?

The best thing to do is to book a Strategy Session HERE so we can hop on a call and chat more about your current situation & goals.

+ How do I see if I'm a good fit for the premium tier

Our programs are private pay using debit or credit. We can provide "Super Bills" for our 1:1 Dietitian Calls which you can submit to your insurer for possible reimbursement. We've also had clients use their FSA or HSA to pay.

+ Do you take insurance?

Yes, inside your member portal there are step by step instructions on how to upgrade or downgrade as you wish. All account changes will be on your next billing cycle.

+ Can I upgrade or downgrade easily?

During your "Trial Period", if for any reason you decide The Healing Collective is not for you, can can cancel and request a refund within 14 days of joining. Once you've been a member for longer than that, you will need to contact us with a cancellation request no later than 10 days before your next renewal.

+ What is your cancellation policy?


Getting Started Resources

Private Facebook Community

Weekly Tribe Letter

I'm Ready

More Info

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More Info

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More Info

For getting started



everything in Self Directed and...

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Guest Expert Calls 

Guided Seasonal Detox & Fasting (4 per year)

I'm Ready

Best value for group coaching

$47/ month

Self Directed

everything in The Tribe and...

Healing Helix Roadmap

The Cancer Diet Cookbook

Meal Planning Guide

I'm Ready

Perfect for the DIYer

$37/ month


everything in Standard and...

Full Access to our Library of Resources

Monthly Qigong

Welcome 1:1 Session

Functional Labs at Wholesale Pricing

Supplement Discounts

A La Carte 1:1 Coaching

I'm Ready

Ideal for customized support

$97/ month


everything in Advanced and...

Deep Dive Case Review + Step-by-Step Protocol

DNA Test + Results Call

Monthly 1:1 Coaching Call + Protocol Update

Energy & Spiritual Wellness

Unlimited Messaging + Weekly Q&A Calls

*3-month minimum + 1st month includes additional fees 

Let's Chat

For the most personalized guidance

$597/ month *

All Tiers Subject to a 14 Day Money Back Guarantee








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