It started with ear infections, which of course were treated with antibiotics. It eventually evolved into horrible seasonal allergies and headaches. As I got older they only got worse. Some days my allergies would be so bad that I would feel like I had the flu. I was treated with everything conventional medicine had to […]
If you know for certain that you’re suffering from chronic inflammation or even if you suspect that you are, the first step in starting to control that inflammation is through your diet. Nutrition research has shown us that certain foods will increase the number of inflammatory cytokines circulating in your blood, while other foods will […]
After spending the last 5 years working specifically with patients and clients on lowering inflammation I truly believe this has become our modern day epidemic. It underlies so many of today’s hard-to-treat health challenges. Between our modern-day diet, lifestyle, stress, and level of toxic exposure it’s easy to see why so many people are dealing […]
Throughout my teenage years and early-20s I suffered with cystic acne. I don’t take that word “suffering” lightly. I did suffer; emotionally and physically (they hurt). Moving through puberty and the emotional turmoil of finding your place in this world. Feeling insecure and yet trying to find confidence. All of this is difficult for anyone […]
The sun is not the enemy we have been led to believe. The sun is important for many aspects of our health; vitamin D production, boosting the immune system, improving oxygen content in the blood, lowering blood pressure, improving skin conditions, lowering risk for depression, and improving mood. But of course too much of it, […]