One of my favorite go-to chefs for healthy, spice-filled, tasty recipe ideas is Rebecca Katz. This is a recipe that I adapted from her cookbook, The Healthy Mind Cookbook. A critical piece to any healthy meal planning system is having go-to resources for new recipe ideas. And Rebecca Katz is definitely one of those resources […]
Whether you’re cooking for one, two, four, or more if you don’t have a plan it gets really hard to stick to your healthy eating goals. On top of that when you have to juggle different food preferences and the god-forbid “picky eaters” in your family, it can be downright overwhelming. Today I want to […]
I simply would not be giving justice to the topic of detoxification if I didn’t also address the dangers of hormone disruptors. Our bodies are run by a network of hormones and glands that regulate everything we do. Most often, we think about this system—the endocrine system—in the context of puberty, but it actually plays […]