Do you suffer from occasional bloating, gas, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, or just plain abdominal discomfort? Or maybe you suffer from constant bloating, gas, heartburn, or digestive challenges. If you can answer “yes” to either of those questions you are definitely not alone. I would venture to say that 9 out of every 10 clients I […]
I love tacos! They’re the perfect medium for stuffing all kinds of yummy goodness into a (somewhat) portable sleeve. But what I love even more is when the favorite parts of my taco combine with my favorite parts of a salad! This is one of my family’s favorite meals; especially in the summer. It’s light, […]
When I have a client come to me desperate for help, it’s usually because they know they should be eating better…heck, they probably even know what foods they should be eating. But the reality is they are super busy, stretched thin, and barely even have time to throw together a healthy snack. The thought of […]